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Achieve a beautiful grin with Insignia

Do you find yourself smiling with your mouth shut, or avoiding pictures altogether? Well, that self-conscious feeling can be a thing of the past thanks to Insignia Advanced Smile Design Technology.

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Introducing Insignia braces

Insignia braces use a high-resolution copy of your teeth to build a customised brace that’s made just for you. Using state-of-the-art imaging software, computerised calculations are made to realise the best smile for your face shape, and the exact movement of your teeth needed to achieve it.

Insignia braces

Tailored treatment for quicker results

One of the great things about Insignia treatment is that you don’t have to wait long for the results. Once we have fitted you with your custom Insignia braces, the personalised design means your teeth will respond immediately to the braces treatment. This also means fewer visits to see us, but we’ll keep in touch to make sure all is going well.

Request your free consultation

Insignia braces

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